We envision a world where thriving communities have equitable access to opportunities through quality education and healthy environments. We believe that we can use our business as a force for good to make a lasting difference and shape a shared future for all.

集合2019 打开图像工具提示


钢壳aims to unlock human promise in all that we do. Our vision for the future is one where communities are more equitable, quality education is more accessible and the environment is healthier.


We are pushing for global, systemic change. That’s why we’ve aligned our social impact strategy and target impact areas with the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.”




Group of Women together 打开图像工具提示


Three recent stories celebrate the kind of progress possible from Steelcase involvement in the communities where we live and work.
corporate sustainability report 2017 打开图像工具提示
July 8, 2020

A Point of Light

The Civic 50 shines a light on community-minded companies where social innovation is reimagining the future of corporate responsibility.
May 17, 2021

公平in Education

Supporting creative leaders on the front lines of positive community change
Building a Healthy Planet through Decarbonization 打开图像工具提示
February 1, 2021

Building a Healthy Planet through Decarbonization

钢壳made news recently by announcing it has become carbon neutral and, even more significant, it set science-based targets that intends to achieve by 2030.

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