
At Steelcase, we seek to unlock the human promise of all individuals, respecting human dignity, and human and labor rights. Our culture is guided by, and decisions are made in accordance with, the combination of our company vision of unlocking human promise and our closely held, long-standing and enduring core values –

  • 诚信行动
  • 说实话
  • 遵守承诺
  • Treat people with dignity and respect
  • Promote positive relationships
  • Protect the environment
  • Excel

我们尊重人类尊严和促进全球人类和劳工权利的方法融合了国际法,原则,公约和规范,以及内部钢壳的原则和政策,包括 -

  • 国际人权法案
  • ILO关于工作原则和权利的ILO声明(ILO)
  • 联合国的世界人权宣言
  • 这United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • OECD跨国企业指南
  • 联合国全球紧凑型,我们是签名人
  • IFC/EBRD指南关于工人住宿的注释:流程和标准
  • good governance principles
  • 法治
  • 我们公司的愿景
  • 我们的核心价值观
  • 我们的全球骚扰预防政策
  • our Global Business Standards
  • 我们的供应商行为准则,以及
  • 这项全球人工权利政策



Remediation is an integral part of our responsibility to respect human and labor rights, and we are committed to providing effective grievance mechanisms and access to remedy in situations where we may have inadvertently caused or contributed to, or be perceived to have caused or contributed to, adverse human or labor rights impacts. Additionally, we expect all Steelcase employees to report perceived or actual violations of this Policy or adverse human or labor rights impacts, or raise ethical concerns, without delay through any of the Company’s engagement opportunities, including –

  • 这钢壳Integrity Line atIntegrity.steelcase.com
  • 我们的开放政策
  • 员工圆桌会议
  • 一对一会议
  • 获得领导力
  • 获得人力资源,法律和内部审计专业人员,
  • 影响教练会议,并
  • 员工调查

Regardless of the grievance mechanism employed, Steelcase policy protects employees from being threatened or punished in any way for reporting suspected violations of our policies or adverse human or labor rights impacts. Additionally, the Steelcase Integrity Line is confidential, available to individuals and organizations both outside the company and internally, and available in multiple languages. Anonymity is also possible, as desired.




Members of our executive team and our board of directors (through the board committee having oversight over the Company’s ESG initiative) have been involved in the development of this policy and are responsible for its implementation, including those instances when the policy’s standards may have been violated. Violations may result in disciplinary action or the discontinuation of a business relationship. Various Steelcase personnel, including management, leaders, and personnel in human resources, legal, environmental sustainability, health and safety, and procurement are responsible for maintaining our human rights and labor programs. This policy is publicized and forms an integral part of our onboarding experience.

Human Rights


Among our responsibilities to conduct our business in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people is an accountability to conduct due diligence to identify the human rights impacts of our operations, consulting with those that may be impacted, and taking steps to mitigate and remediate adverse impact. Leaders and management lead through empathy, listening first, and encouraging employees to raise up their voice without fear.


在Steelcase,多样性远远超过性别,种族或其他受保护的阶级,地位或特征。这是对具有不同特征,经验和观点的人的混合的故意渴望,这些人既固有又获得。这是对思想多样性的故意渴望。这是我们核心价值观的延伸 - 包括在整个职业生涯中对尊严和尊重的人对待。我们拥抱多样性,确保获得公平的机会,并培养一种包容性文化,使我们的员工在整个公司的旅途中都可以真实而蓬勃发展。我们将此承诺扩展到我们的业务合作伙伴,供应商,经销商,供应商和社区邻居。


钢壳is committed to protecting the rights of all employees, including women and underrepresented groups, by providing equal employment opportunities, ensuring our company’s employment practices are free of discrimination and giving all employees a work environment that is free from intimidation, threats, hostility, inhumane treatment, violence, and harassment. Steelcase does not engage in discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, nationality or social origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, language, age, disability, medical condition, health status, physical appearance, pregnancy, marital or familial status, alienage or citizenship status, religion/creed, political or other affiliation, genetic information, military or veteran status, place of residence, economic or social situation, victim status or other characteristic.


Steelcase文化的核心是一个基于员工,领导者和管理层之间开放的双向沟通​​的环境,员工可以找到他们的声音,领导者以及管理人员的倾听和实践同理心。Steelcase员工与领导者和管理层公开沟通,涉及工作条件,政策,实践,公司战略和其他问题,而不必担心报复,恐吓,骚扰或报复。有意的政策,实践和流程(包括Steelcase Integrity Line,开放式政策,员工圆桌会议,一对一的会议,不受限制地获得领导力,人力资源,法律和内部审计专业人士,法律和内部审计专业人士,不受限制地访问),可以加强这种文化。影响教练会议,员工调查,培训和学习机会,以及有意的,包容性的空间设计促进领导者和管理的可访问性,协作,隐私,集中度和喘息的机会。




钢壳is dedicated to ensuring that our operations and those of our business partners respect the human rights of people in the communities impacted by such products, services, and operations. We engage local stakeholders in our communities who are committed to furthering human and labor rights, marrying our financial support with employee volunteerism through social innovation projects. Through these engagements, we seek to amplify the impact local stakeholders have in reducing inequalities, furthering quality education and creating sustainable cities and communities.







钢壳does not use child labor in any part of its organization or supply chain. We support the use of legitimate apprenticeship programs that comply with local laws, regulations, and norms.





Relocation Assistance

钢壳recognizes that relocation can be an anxious experience for employees and their families, and to support employees through the process we have partnered with top-rated services providers. This support network is provided to help reduce normal move disruptions and enable employees to settle into their new home and role as quickly as possible.

Career Management, Training and Learning






Employees will not be disciplined, and Visitors will not face repercussions, for raising safety concerns. Employees may refuse unsafe working conditions without fear of reprisal, intimidation, harassment, or retaliation and Visitors may refuse unsafe visiting conditions without fear of negative consequences.












Revised:  Marzo 2021