Steelcase Flex mobile power brought real mobility for the workplace.Its powerful function, good appearance and is very intelligent, a specially designed handle facilitate affirmative, round-the-clock power efficient office.
An overview of the
Flexible office
Teams and individuals need to work in a variety of space of autonomy, but the power became the place of the shackles of freedom.However with Steelcase Flex mobile power supply, people can be in any place for laptops or other personal devices, they don't have place for charging electronic devices and charge form and worry.The first large capacity mobile power supply enterprise solutions, make free office more smoothly, and support team in any place they need to work.
Practical and beautiful
Steelcase Flex mobile power already practical beautiful.Its design inspiration comes from the handmade ceramic tableware.Just like silk smooth soft surface, with 3 d texture sensitive and portable handle, brought a powerful, beautiful portable power solutions, suitable for high-end leisure or any workplace, ornament in space aesthetics.
Performance is remarkable
The charging with the global technology leader, Ann guest (Anker) cooperation design and development of Steelcase will Flex mobile power supply enterprise mobile power supply to the workplace.

Steelcase Flex Collection series
Steelcase Flex Collection series encourage team to reset the space according to different demand, thus creating can let the team and individual best working environment.Together to get to know about Steelcase Flex Collection for more information, and how it for high performance and collaborative team building community dynamic team.
Standard + optional features
Standard + optional features
Standard + optional features
Set of mobile power supply
Include: mobile power supply unit 5 + 1 charging base
Mobile power supply unit
Three USB port - C + 1 USB port A
8 hours on a full charge
218 mw capacity
Charging the total output of up to 117 watts
The charging base
Can support 5 mobile power supply unit to charge
Size mm (mm)
Mobile power supply unit
High: 290
Wide: 102
The charging base
High: 409
Wide: 274
Surface material
The global purchase channels
The global purchase channels
This product is available in the following areas:
- Asia Pacific (Australia, China and Singapore)
- In North America
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