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    Divisio ™ side of the screen that employees can work in cooperation and dedicated work to quickly switch back and forth between model, and according to the job at hand to personalize your office space.

    Characteristics of the

    Privacy protection
    Screen + personalized, flexible

    Privacy protection

    Privacy protection

    Employees can work in cooperation and focus to quickly switch back and forth between work patterns.Divisio™ 侧屏风让员工可以根据自己手头的工作来个性化自己的办公空间。用户可以轻松地移除Divisio屏风来开展协作,或者将其移动到任何办公台面上来创建具有私密性的空间。

    Screen + personalized, flexible

    Screen + personalized, flexible


    Divisio side of the screen to provide users with illicit close sex at the same time, its height do not hinder improvisational collaboration between the team again.Desktop screen above 200 mm, can provide extra privacy, remove rise very convenient also.


    Divisio allows the user to personalized configuration according to the requirements of their own office space.Outsourcing textile fabrics of the surface of the magnetic can be used to display visual content, also can satisfy all kinds of aesthetic temperament and interest


    Trigger finger press clamp for the thickness of the screen can be applied to any office in 19 mm to 38 mm mesa, provide the flexibility to adapt to all kinds of furniture solutions


    Global applicability

    Global applicability

    Global applicability

    This product is available in the following areas:

    • In Asia Pacific,
    • Africa
    • Central America
    • South America
    Without this product from your region?

    If you are interested to buy in the local product temporarily no goods, please contact your local dealer and ask where to buy.

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    Shenzhen, China

    Steelcase WorkLife Shenzhen
    Nanshan district, shenzhen shennan avenue
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    Room 1505-1506, zip code, 518057

    Tel: + 0755 25905936
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    The needs of employees

    Employees the most don't want those bland, monotony and erase the creative space.
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    Bold thinking and solve problems

    In the heart of Toronto, MaRS, an urban innovation hub, is helping entrepreneurs and startups your a who level of impact.
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    360 magazine privacy crisis Open the image tooltip box
    On January 22, 2015

    Privacy crisis

    Although today's office look for cooperation, but most of the management of the company not very satisfied with the speed and frequency of the breakthrough.

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