密歇根州大急流城,2021年6月16日– Today, Steelcase has been named a 2021 honoree of The Civic 50, an initiative of Points of Light. The company’s expansive involvement in community programs – including a mix of volunteered time, product/service donations and financial gifts, as well as the integration of community commitment into business policies and practices – led to the recognition.
“At Steelcase, we believe business should be a force for good and, by leveraging our scale and resources around the globe, we can make a real difference in the communities where we live and work,” said Beth O’Shaughnessy, Steelcase Senior VP, Chief Administrative Officer, General Counsel and Secretary. “We’re delighted to be recognized for the work we’ve done and progress we continue to make through our ESG efforts, helping others reach their full potential and transform the way organizations and the systems we are a part of engage, improve and innovate.”
Highlights from contributions Steelcase made to local communities in the last year include:
- WMCAT,Steelcase和WMCAT在社会正义问题上合作和争取公平的机会有悠久的历史。Steelcase目前支持WMCAT的两个计划,旨在开发和连接不断增长的领导者,Stepyear和社区催化剂。
- 在过去的秋季,Steelcase启动了“教育公平”倡议,这是Steelcase Research,教育和社会创新之间的合作。Steelcase利用他们在研究,设计和教育方面的专业知识,向来自30个不同国家 /地区的370多个注册人举办了一系列全球研讨会。
- Steelcase’s ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) work is holistic and institutionalized throughout the company. Steelcase Social Innovation has brought these principles to life by investing in and institutionalizing employee led impact through our Change Corp groups at Steelcase locations around the world, focused on making local community impact through equity centered design.
作为全球最大的组织致力于志愿服务,光点每年都根据其企业公民身份和社会影响计划的四个维度选择公司 - 资源的投资,跨业务职能的整合,通过政策和系统进行制度化以及影响衡量测量。Civic 50为卓越的企业公民身份提供了国家标准,并展示了公司如何利用自己的时间,技能和资源来影响其社区。
“光线认为,公司的领导和对公民参与的承诺对于加强社区至关重要,” Light Point of Points Light Light Light Light Light Light说。我们感谢Steelcase在他们生活和工作的社区中的投资,并期待支持他们利用时间,人才和资产来进行变革。”
要了解有关Civic 50,2021获奖者和见解的更多信息,请访问。
关于Steelcase Inc.
世界各地的主要组织信任钢铁箱,以帮助他们创建工作场所,以帮助人们感到安全,并具有富有成效的,鼓舞人心和适应我们的建筑,家具和技术解决方案 - 可通过包括800多个Steelcase经销商的渠道网络访问。betway88体育官网Steelcase是一家全球,行业领先且公开交易的公司,2021财政年度的收入为26亿美元。有关更多信息,请访问。